Joanna Shields Speaker

“Philanthropy for me is about creating lasting change, leveraging technology and collaboration to tackle some of society's most pressing challenges. While serving the UK Government, I founded the WeProtect Global Alliance, a multi-stakeholder organisation of over 100 member countries and numerous partners committed to combating online child sexual abuse and exploitation. Together, we aim to shape an online space for children and young people free from threats to their wellbeing, which have been allowed to run rampant by the owners of major social media platforms. We also anticipate future threats that may emerge from advanced technologies such as AI. In doing so, we hope to create a better world for young people everywhere.
This global initiative, spanning over 100 countries and numerous partners, is a testament to what we can achieve when we unite for a cause that transcends borders and cultures.”

Worldwide cooperation to stop the crime of online child abuse and exploitation.

The WePROTECT Global Alliance (WPGA) to End Child Sexual Exploitation Online is a global movement dedicated to putting online-facilitated child sexual abuse and exploitation (online CSAE) on the global agenda and mobilising a worldwide campaign to end it.

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Baroness Joanna Shields OBE
Founder, WeProtect


Protect Us - WeProtect Global Alliance's new film

WeProtect Global Alliance 10 Year Anniversary Summit - Keynote Speech

WeProtect Global Alliance Summit to #TurnTheTide on child sexual abuse online

A Global Response To Online Child Sexual Exploitation

When Our Time Is Up, Will We Have Done Enough?

The Space Between Us - Interfaith Summit for Child Dignity in the Digital World


WeProtect Global Alliance Abu Dhabi Summit

#WeProtect Children Online Global Summit

Global Mission to Eradicate Online Child Sexual Exploitation


Child Dignity in the Digital World Alliance

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The Child Dignity in the Digital World Alliance is a global coalition of  senior academics, faith leaders, government officials, legal experts, technology veterans and civil society, born as a result of the October 2017 Child Dignity in the Digital World Congress held in Rome. Children and adolescents make up over a quarter of the more than 3.2 billion Internet users worldwide. This generation of over 800 million young users is in constant danger of becoming victims of sextortion, sexting, cyberbullying and harassment. This global problem calls for a global solution. 

Disrupting Harm

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Disrupting Harm is a large-scale data collection and research project to better understand online child sexual exploitation and abuse across the world. Disrupting Harm will create in-depth knowledge of the risks children face online, how they develop, how they interlink with other forms of violence, and importantly, what we can do to prevent these risks. Abuse. The project will be implemented in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mozambique, Namibia, The Philippines, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam.

Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities

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Inspired by the Declaration of Rome of October 2017, the Interfaith Alliance was born from a congress on Child Dignity and adopted by Pope Francis based upon how the declaration has shown that interfaith cooperation is immensely effective in  combating many of society’s challenges. Faith leaders and other major stakeholders form a growing network across the world intent on addressing challenges impacting the safety and security of their communities.